Froblems of clinical ophthalmology
Bezdetko F. A., Ilyina E. N., Mikulinskiy Yu. E.I, Fanibratseva S. G., Muzhichuk E. P. The proliferative activity of the limbal stem cells in patients with recurrent herpetic keratitis with the stem cells deficiency
Bobrova N. F., Shevchyk V. I., Kulbida M. P. A long term results offullthickness suture method ofprimary surgical treatment of penetrating corneal wound
Sergienko N. M., Shargorodskaya I. V. Intraocular pressure as a factor affecting corneal hysteresis measurement
Sakovich V. N., Giesmi Shiraz. Application of pyobacteriophage in the treatment of bacterial keratites
Petrunya A. M., Solyanik Yu. F. A new method of evaluating the degree of the postoperative inflammatory reaction in cataract surgery with IOL implantation
Rodin S. S.|, Umanets N. N., Brazhnikova E. G., Korol A. R., Kovaleva E. V. Intravitreal gas injection as a method of surgical treatment of patients with idiopathic macular holes
Naumenko V. A., Kushnir N. N. Determination of functional and organic changes in the hematoretinal barrier in patients with diabetic retinopathy with the aid of vitreal fluorometry
Kryzhova N. M. Changes of morphometric indices of the peripapillar nerve fibers after laser coagulation of the retina in patients with diabetic retinopathy
Rykov S. A., Barinov Yu. V., Barinova A. A. Recurrent dacryocystitis treatment in children of younger age
Cheremukhina O. M. Assessment of availability of qualified in-patient ophthalmologic aid to rural population
Classification of the eyelid carcinomas
Experimental studies
Savko V. V., Khelifi Amani, Parkhomenko T. V. The state of enzymatic antioxidant system in the eye tissues in experimental hypertension in animals with allergic uveitis
Zhmud T. M. The condition of lysosomal membranes in keratitis as a result of the cornea injury by iron-containing foreign bodies
Leus N. F., Ben Abdallakh Anis, Zhuravok Yu. A. The study of the enzyme activity of the antioxidant eye tissue system in modeling cataract in animals with streptozocin diabetes
Usov V. Ya., Tarik Abou Tarboush, Kondratjeva E. I. Correction effect of emoxipine on the peroxidation processes in the lens, humor and tear fluid in experimental keratitis and exposure to light
Zborovskaya A. V. Photodynamic therapy 0.1 % methylene blue with application 10 % a solution of dimethylsulfoxide in the treatment of endophthalmitis bacterial etiology
Pavlyuchenko K. P., Mogilevskyy S. Yu., Chuyko A. L. The condition of the enzymatic antioxidant system in the retina in experimental diabetes and application of vitamin B6
Literature review
Pasechnikova N. V., Maltsev E. V., Sotnikova E. P., Moroz O. A. Drugs of the tissue therapy. Part I General regulations and references
Mikheitseva I. N. Glaucoma models, advantages and disadvantages Adrenalin-induced glaucoma as adequate model of glaucoma process in man
Practical case
Torchinskaya N. V., Parkhomenko G. Ya., Krichinsky V. I., Bakbardina N. I. A case of complete loss of visual functions in patients with avitria after application of intrachamber anesthesia
To the history of ophthalmology
Vasiljeva S. F. Vladimir Petrovich Filatov — the author of the method of round tube graft (to the 135th anniversary of birthday)
Памяти Ларисы Ефимовны Черикчи