Oftalmol Zh.2011;1:78-81.



Pasechnikova N. V., Bobrova N. F., Umanets N. N., Zborovskaya A. V., Ostroukhov S. V.

Odessa, Ukraine

A patient was a girl S., of 7 years old, her visual acuity of the left eye was 0.07 n/c. On admission she was made a diagnosis of sluggish uveitis, intraocular posterior ophthalmomyiasis. There was performed vitrectomy with removal of Hypoderma bovis larva (1.8x11.0 mm in size). The larva was drawn up to the preliminary widened sclerotomy to 2 mm by fixation by the aspiration canula, and then was removed by the forceps from the vitreal cavity. On discharge the visual acuity was 0.9 n/c.



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