Oftalmol Zh.2010;1:88-90.
N. F. Bobrova, A. N. Dembovetskaya, T. V. Romanova, A. K. Zhekov, T. A. Sorochinskaya
Odessa, Ukraine
The new method of the biomicroscopic study of the eye anterior section in children under 2 by the slit lamp consists in fixation of the child's head on the facial setting of the slit lamp which is distinguished by the fact that the child's upper and lower extremities are immobilized, the body is given horizontal position, and the head of the child faces the facial setting. Employing the procedure proposed a study in 159 children (297 eyes) was made, which allowed to conduct the correct postoperative tactics of treatment. Examination of the child's eye is conducted without the application of anesthesia. The biomicroscopic study of the conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber of the eye, iris, and region of the pupil, lens and vitreous body is carried out in full scope, which guarantees the correct selection of the tactics of treatment in the postoperative period.
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