Oftalmol Zh.2010;3:51-56.



S. A. Yakimenko, P. A. Kostenko

Odessa, Ukraine

There were developed and studied in experiment the modifications of the autoscleral cyclogoniodrainage (CGD) by duplication of the autosclera strip (CGD(D) and duplication of the autosclera strip with insertion of the catgut in its thickness (CGD(D+C). The difference between the indices of the IOP in the pre-and postoperative period (4—189 day after surgery) made on an average 9.15 mm Hg (p=0.002) after CGD (D) and 5.0 mm Hg (p=0.023) after CGD(D+C). It is established that data of the modification are pathogenetically substantiated for using in patients with signs of the organic blockage of the ouflow ways of the intraocular fluid at all their levels (scleral, anterior cham¬ber angle and pupil block). It allows to use them widely not only in secondary refractory postburn glaucoma but also in other different forms of refractory glaucoma.


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