Oftalmol Zh.2014;6:23-28


Antioxigen enzymatic systems state in blood in patients with myopia of the different degree before and after its drug correction

Boichuk I. M., Surovaja E. I., Kolomijchuk S. G.

SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine», 0dessa (Ukraine)

Introduction Activation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) processes in the system of the ocular metabolism and weakening of the antioxidant defense in patients with myopia explains the importance of finding an effective drug that could stabilize the system peroxide-oxidation reactions in patients with myopia, to possibly stop its progression. 

Purpose To evaluate the state of the antioxidant system in patients with myopia of different degree by activity of enzymes (glutathione-S-transferase, catalase, and glutathioneperoxidase) in the blood before and after treatment with the drug, «Fakovit». Material and methods 67 patients aged 17—24 years were examined. Among them: with mild myopia (26), medium (22), high myopia (19) and a control group of healthy individuals of the same age (30). All patients underwent ophthalmologic and biochemical studies: the state of the antioxidant enzymatic system was assessed by the activity of enzymes in the blood before and after administration of the drug "Fakovit".

Results A significant decrease in the enzyme activity (glutathione-peroxidase, glutathione-S — transferase, catalase) in patients with myopia and significant increase of the enzyme activity level on 12.5—23.7 % in blood in the main group of patients depending on the degree of myopia after treatment were established.

Conclusion The increased activity of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase, glutathiones — transferase and catalase in the blood in the main group of patients after treatment with the drug, «Fakovit» is the evidence of its positive effect on the antioxidant system in myopia, especially on detoxification of hydroperoxides. 

Key words: myopia, enzymatic anti- oxidant system, fakovit


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