Oftalmol Zh.2009;3:60-63.



Pasyechnikova N. V., Zborovskaya A. V., Kustrin T. B.

Odessa, Ukraine

The puprose of research was to define influence combined applications of laser radiation and methylene blue (MB) as photosensitizer on pathogenic culture of Escherichia coli in vitro. Daily cultures were grown up in test tubes on oblique agar at 37°C. Concentration of MB was 0,2%, 0,1% and 0,05%. Activation of suspension of cells with methylene blue was by laser radiation from a long wave 630 nm during of 3 or 5 minutes. Research has shown, that growth Escherichia coli was not suppressed significant at use of methylene blue as photosensitizer in a combination with laser 630 nm. After 24 hours the maximal suppression of growth of microogranisms is marked in group without centrifugation with use of 0,05% MB at duration of a laser of 3 minutes. MB not penetration cells wall because it have special building, so we have used some guide, and it will be studied in the next research.



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