Oftalmol Zh.2009;3:80-82.



Rustamov M. S.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The condition of hemo- and hydrodynamics of 68 pensioners' eyes, having worked before at the basic technological shops of Shurtan oil refining factory is investigated, where the professional harmful factors are hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulphide and noise, There were acute poisonings with pertoleum in 29 of the examined in the anamnesis. It is established that workers of oil refining manufacture are observed to have reliable decrease of rheographic coefficient and decrease of biopotentials of the retina to light and darkness at the expense of eye hemodymamic disorders. This contingent develops expressed disorders of the eye hydrodynamic indices in some time: suppression of production and decrease of outflow of the intraocular liquid. The signs of adverse influence of working conditions in the oil refining industry on the organism are microcirculation disorders of the conjunctiva and eye fundus. The dependence of frequency of changes on duration of contact with production factors is established.



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