Influence of the fetal neuropeptide complex on changes in retinal light sensitivity over time in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma
N.V. Panchenko, Dr Sc (Med), E.N. Gonchar, Cand Sc (Med), G.S. Arustamova, MD, A.S. Pereiaslova, MD, D.O. Prikhod’ko, MD, M.V. Friantseva, MD
Department of Ophthalmology, Kharkiv National Medical University
Kharkiv, Ukraine
E-mail: panchenko0802@gmail.com
Purpose: To investigate the influence of a fetal neuropeptide complex on changes in retinal light sensitivity over time in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).
Materials and Methods: The study involved 104 patients (192 eyes; age, 52 to 58 years) with medically controlled POAG and diagnosed with stage I, stage II or stage III glaucoma. In patients of the main group, the fetal neuropeptide complex (Cerebrocurine; Pat. of Ukraine №102,957 issued in 2015) was used as an adjunct to conventional hypotensive therapy. All patients underwent eye examination including visual acuity assessment, biomicroscopy, tonometry, and optical coherence tomography. Changes in retinal light sensitivity in patients with POAG were investigated through changes in mean deviation (MD) using automated static perimetry. In both groups, MD was assessed both before and after treatment.
Results: After treatment, the incidence of stabilized MD in patients in the main group was significantly higher than in controls (72.5% vs 45.6%, p < 0.05). The highest and the lowest indices of stabilized MD were seen in patients with glaucoma stage I and glaucoma stage III, respectively (84.8% and 51.8%, respectively).
Conclusion: In POAG patients, after the use of fetal neuropeptide complex as an adjunct to conventional treatment, the incidence of stabilized average deviation of retinal light sensitivity was statistically significantly (1.59 times) higher than after the use of conventional treatment only.
Keywords: primary open-angle glaucoma, fetal neuropeptide complex
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