Received: 19 February 2019; Published on-line: 27 June 2019
A Case Report of Kussmaul-Maier Disease
O.O. Andrushkova, Cand Sc (Med); N.V. Malachkova, Cand Sc (Med); K.Iu. Grizhimalskaia, Cand Sc (Med); Ie.G. Manko, Student; T.M. Zhmud, Cand Sc (Med)
Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University;
Vinnitsa (Ukraine)
E-mail: gtatyana@email.ua
TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Andrushkova OO, Malachkova NV, Grizhimalskaia KIu, Manko IeG, Zhmud TM. A Case Report of Kussmaul-Maier Disease. J.ophthalmol.(Ukraine).2019;3:52-6. http://doi.org/10.31288/oftalmolzh201935256
Background: Kussmaul-Maier disease (also known as polyarteritis nodosa or PAN) is a systemic disorder characterized by destructive and proliferative changes in the walls of arteries (mainly muscular arteries and arterioles).
Purpose: To present a case exemplifying the ocular manifestations of Kussmaul-Maier disease.
Materials and Methods: The patient underwent visual acuity assessment, tonometry, and comprehensive eye examination. In addition, she underwent brain MRI and duplex sonography of the major arteries supplying the head.
Results and conclusion: This case demonstrates the features of disease course and ophthalmologist’s tactics in the treatment of Kussmaul-Maier disease. Kussmaul-Maier disease has a recurrent course with long-lasting (as long as 11 years) periods of remission and favorable visual prognosis.
Keywords: Kussmaul-Maier disease, periarteritis nodosa
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The authors certify that they have no conflicts of interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.