Oftalmol Zh. 2013;6:57-61.
The use of polymer-composite material during the formation of the locomotor stump after evisceration eyes. (Preliminary results)
Maletskiy AP, Dubkova VI, Mayevskaya OI, Bigun NM
Odessa, Lvov, Ukraine, Minsk, Belarus
Background. The use of biological tissues as a plastic material does not always meet the surgeon, so creating a polymer- composite materials (PCM) based carbon fibers to restore the anatomical and functional abnormalities has a scientific and practical significance.
Purpose. To study the clinical efficacy of the implant based on polymer -carbon composition in the formation of the locomotor stump after evisceration eyes.
Methods. The analysis was performed on 13 patients (9 men and 4 women) aged from 21 to 67years old with sluggish post-traumatic uveitis and eyeball subatrophy. These patients the implant was placed in the scleral bag after evisceration of eye for complications after trauma. The rigidity of the eye prosthesis fixation was achieved by the formation of holes in the locomotor stump and the pin on the rear surface of the prosthesis.
Results. In 13 patients whom the implant was placed in the scleral bag, was marked by a mild swelling of the tissues of the orbit, on the eighth day of the conjunctiva scar has formed a good, well walls were made epithelium. The total mobility of the prosthesis in four meridians was (140.3 + 15.0)0.
Conclusions. 1. PCM has a relative inertness to soft biological tissues tend to germinate and encapsulation of tissues and well modeled. 2. PCM is not prone to resorption, which allows to good anatomical and functional results. 3. The developed technology of rigid fixation of prosthetic eye by forming a hole in the PCM and the pin on the rear surface of the prosthesis has improved its total mobility in the four meridians (140.3 + 15).
Key words: eye evistseration of the eye, locomotor implant, polymer and composite materials.
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