Oftalmol Zh.2012;1:27-31

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Polyakova S. I.

Odessa, Ukraine

On the basis of the correlation analysis of the clinical symptomatology of chronic productive inflammation (CPILG — 117 patients) and tumors of the lacrimal gland of epithelial genesis (TLGEG- 110 patients) as well as computer symptomatology in 81 patients with neoplasms of the lacrimal gland of different genesis there was studied the significance of each of the symptoms for their differentiation.

It is established that of the greatest differential value are the symptoms, which characterize the state of the eyelid (edema, ptosis), the state of the palpated newly formed tissue (consistency, the form of growth, mobility), which allow to differentiate with the high degree of reliability the inflammatory process from the tumor (A %=25.5, p=0.0001).

On the computer tomogram CPILG (76.2 % of cases) is characteristic of the presence of the soft tissue component with the homogeneous structure, with clear borders and irregular shape in all cases. In the majority of patients (76,1 % of cases) there was also noted the expansion of the external straight muscle of the eye with an increase in its density. The densitometric density of the inflammatory process of the lacrimal gland was on the average +60 EX.


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