Oftalmol Zh.2012;2:49-53

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Pasechnikova N., Naumenko V., Vit V., Chebotaryov Ye., Umanets N, Pukhlik E.

Odessa, Ukraine.

The studies were performed in 6 eyes with isolated uveal melanoma. The data on structural changes in an isolated uveal melanoma at exposed to high-frequency electric welding. We used a modified device EK 300M1 and instruments which made by the original method. There is coagulation or sublimation at the place of the working application surfaces of the instrument to the parenchyma of isolated melanoma tissue.

Preliminary results from the application of high electric welding at the isolated uveal melanoma suggest the principal possibility to influence to the tumor tissue for the purpose of devitalization and reduce the risk of metastasis by intraoperative dissemination oftumor cells and the risk ofuncontrolled bleeding in uveal melanoma endorezection.


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