Oftalmol Zh.2012;4:23-27

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Kolomiets V. A., Dmitriev S. K., Lazar Yu. M., Dragomiretskaya E. J.

Odessa, Ukraine

There was studied the role of the preoperative clinical data in development of surgically induced astigmatism in

76 patients with age-related cataract after the operation of US-phacoemulsification with implantation of the intraocular lens.

There was devised a mathematical model of prognosis of astigmatism development after the operation.

It is established that in cornea rigidity exceeding 0.3 mm Hg the risk of astigmatism development <1.0 Dpt less than in lower rigidity and makes 3.5 % in the incision of 2.2 mm and 17.0 % in the incision of 2.75mm.

To prevent high postoperative astigmatism development in low rigidity of the cornea in patients with age-related cataract it is necessary to use incisions of smaller size.


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