Oftalmol Zh.2015;3:24-29
The level of interferons ? and ? in the blood of patients with uveitis with different clinical characteristic and course of the disease
N. V. Konovalova, Chaibi Abderrahim
SI «Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine»; Odessa (Ukraine)
Introduction. Social importance of uveitis is determined by high frequency of occurrence, affection of persons mainly of work ability age, high frequency of disability due to vision.
Aim. To determine peculiarity of interferons ? and ? expressions in the blood of patients with uveitis with different clinical characteristic and course of the pathological process.
Materials and methods. There were examined 61 patient with uveitis of different localization (anterior and posterior), clinical course (chronic and acute), degree of severity (severe and moderate) and differential diagnosis (iridocyclitis, focal and disseminated chorioretinitis, neuritis, panuveitis) who were examined ophthalmoscopically (ophthalmoscopy, tonometry, visometry). 59 persons were determined the level of interferons ? and ? in the blood plasma by the method of the immune enzyme analysis.
Results. There was determined peculiarity of interferons ? and ? expressions in the blood of patients with uveitis with different clinical characteristic and course peculiarities of the pathological process. It is shown that the content of these cytokinesare significantly lower in posterior uveitis as well as in the chronic course with high degree of reliability. There was found a reliable correlation between the level of interferons under study and above mentioned characteristics.
The degree of uveitis severity does not correlate with the level of interferons in the patients’ blood as well as there were no revealed association between the average values of concentration of interferons ? and ? in the blood of the patients with uveitis taking into account the differential diagnosis.
Conclusions. The data obtained prove the role of interferons ? and ? in development of uveitis and may be of interest for determining the character of the course of the pathological process and treatment efficacy.
Key words: uveitis, clinical characteristic, course, interferons ? and ?, blood plasma.
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