Oftalmol Zh.2012;5:6-12.

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Drozhzhina G .I., Troychenko L. F., Dragomiretskaya E. I.

Odessa, Ukraine

There was analyzed effectiveness of the application of the blood autoserum in the main (74 patients) and control group (160 patients) with the persisting epithelial defects (PED) and torpid ulcers (TU) of the cornea of postinfectious and neuroparalytic etiology. The patients were at the in-patient treatment in the department of pathology and micro-surgery of the cornea during 2008—2010. It is established that the application of autoserum in the complex conservative treatment of PED and TU of the cornea of postinfectious and neuroparalytic etiology accelerates the periods of the cornea epithelization on the average by 7.4 days, which is accompanied by an increase in total tear production by 5.2 mm, stability of the lacrimal film -by 4.3s, improvement in the cornea sensitivity in 59.5 % of cases. In this case the development of severe complications is also prevented.


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