Oftalmol Zh.2009;1-2:32-36.



J. I. Galpert, V. I. Serdjuchenko

Evpatoria, Odessa, Ukraine

There was examined 201 child with CCP aged from 1 to 17. High frequency of the oculomotor disorders is noted: squint — in 89.6% of cases, nystagmus — in 39.8%. Squint has a complicated character: in significant part of children it is congenital (83.8%), permanent (66.1%), nonaccommodation (72.8%). The horizontal deviation was combined with vertical one in 52.2% of cases. 74.1% of children were determined amblyopia, in 27.4% — a partial atrophy of the optic nerve. It means that its early surgical correction is needed as well as early pleoptic and medica-mentous influence with the subsequent orthoptic treatment for timely ophthalmic rehabilitation of this extremely difficult contingent of children.



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