Oftalmol Zh.2010;1:9-14.
Vit V. V., Dumbrova N.M., Polyakova S. I.
Odessa, Ukraine
The ultrastructural peculiarities of two pleomorphic adenomas of the lacrimal gland difficult for the histological verification are studied.
There are established seven types of cells, which characterize the structure of pleomorphic adenomas that allowed to develop histological classification with the indication of the predominant constituent during revision of archive histopreparations: pleomorphic adenoma with predominance of the ductal differentiated structures; pleomorphic adenoma with predominance of myxoid and/or cartilage-like component; pleomorphic adenoma with predominance of the basal cellular component; pleomorphic adenoma with predominance of the myoepithelial component.
In detection of only tubular structures a new formation should be classified as ductal adenoma, in presence of only basal cellular component — as basal cellular adenoma (with possible development of basal cellular carcinoma), in detection of only the myoepithelial component — as myoepithelioma.
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