Oftalmol Zh.2010;2:30-34.



Kalashnikov V. V.

Donetsk, Ukraine

The metabolic status of the biotin was studied in different forms of cataract and different rate of its development.

There were clinically examined 344 persons who were determined the form and different rate of cataract development. Activity of pyruvate carboxylase and coefficient to its activation by exogenic biotin in blood of cataract patients was determined as indices of the metabolic status of biotin. The data of the indices were studied in somatically healthy persons.

In rapidly progressing changes of the lens more significant disorders of the metabolic status of biotin were noted in comparison with slow development of the disease. The marked deficiency of biotin was revealed in persons with a mixed form of cataract. The differences of the biochemical factors revealed in different clinical forms and different rate of the disease progressing may be considered as an additional criterion of significance of the revealed metabolic disorders in pathogenesis of age cataract.



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