Oftalmol Zh.2010;2:38-41.
Pasyechnikova N. V., Korol A. R.
Odessa, Ukraine
There were followed up 2038 patients (4070 eyes) with different forms of the age-related changes of the macular area in the period from 1999 to 2009.
Results. The algorithm of treatment of patients the different forms of AMD was formulated. Conservative therapy is indicated in age related maculopathy and dry form of AMD. In case of wet form as retinal pigment epithelium detachment it is indicated to apply intravitreal injections with triamcinolone acetonide. In presence of CNV depending on its type focal laser coagulation of CNV is indicated, photodynamic therapy or course of intravitreal injections of pegaptanib-sodium. In presence of blood circulation disorder in the choroids of the macular area the course of antiischemic therapy is indicated.
Conclusion. As a result of the work a new clinical classification of age-related macular degeneration was proposed, which allows to describe the main clinical and morphological peculiarities of the macular area in detail at different stages of the disease, which corresponds to a certain stage of the algorithm of treatment of patients with AMD.
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