Oftalmol Zh.2011;1:36-40.
Umanskaya U. V., Putienko A. A.
Odessa, Ukraine
There were analyzed the results of the lipoflavon application against the background of the basic therapy in 51 patients (102 eyes) with age-related maculopathy (AMP). The first control group consisted of 24 patients (48 eyes) who received vitamin E against the background of the basic therapy. The second control group consisted of 29 patients (57 eyes) with the basic therapy only. It was shown that lipoflavon in the patients with AMP could significantly improve the functional indices of the retina in the macular area, which was evidence of significant improvement of the threshold for the phenomenon of Haidinger, significant improvement of light sensitivity as well as significant improvements in several indicators of multifocal electroretinogram, accompanied by a statistically significant improvement in the visual acuity in the group under study compared with the controls. This allows us to recommend the drug lipoflavon for inclusion in the complex of drugs for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.
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