Oftalmol Zh.2011;1:41-45.
Gorbatyuk T. L., Boichuk I. M.
Odessa, Ukraine
To determine peculiarities of the thickness of the peripapillar nervous fiber layer (TPNFL) and optic nerve 135 schoolchildren (270 eyes) aged 10—14 with acquired myopia were made investigation of the retinal TPNFL, optic disc parameters by optic coherent tomography SOCT Copernicus depending on the myopia degree. It was established that there was significant decrease of the TPNFL size in the temporal segment in the schoolchildren with acquired myopia of moderate and high degree irrespective of the disc area compared with the children with emmetropia.
It is found that the smaller TPNFL in the temporal segment, the longer is the eye axis in myopia of the weak and high degree, while the smaller TPNFL in the nasal segment, the longer is the eye axis in myopia of the moderate degree.
The retinal TPNFL in the temporal and nasal segments in acquired myopia does not depend on the size of the neural limbus and excavation of the optic nerve as well as ratio of the excavation area to optic disc area.
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