Oftalmol Zh.2011;2:19-22.

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Kushnir N. N.

Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

There was made a retrospective analysis of changes in the ophthalmoscopic picture and state of hematoretinal barrier (HRB) according to the data of vitreal flyuorometry (VFM) in 42 patients with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (DRP) in the period of 6 months. There were determined the threshold values of the vitreal fluorescence (VF), which correspond to the severe degree of disturbance of HRB and possess high sensitivity and specificity during the estimation of the probability of diabetic retinopathy progression. By using a discriminant analysis the prognostication model of the progression of diabetic retinopathy is developed, which takes into consideration two values of the VF level on the 5th and 30th minute after the introduction of fluorescein. The effectiveness of the model is 88 % of the correct prognosis. The severe degree of disturbance of HRB can be considered the early sign of preproliferative DRP, which is revealed with the aid of VFM half a year before the development of clinical signs of the preproliferirative stage.



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