Oftalmol Zh.2011;2:35-38.
Yakimenko S. A., Buznyk O. I., Shyshkova G. G.
Odessa, Ukraine
There was evaluated the influence of 0.15 % solution of hyaluronic acid («Oxyal») on the subjective and objective symptoms of the dry eye syndrome (DES) in patients with outcomes of severe eye burns in whom ocular and eyelid surface were covered with oral mucous grafts.
It was a randomized, crossover study where patients who finished treatment by both preparations were added («Oxyal» and placebo — saline). The treatment period for each preparation was 1 week. At the beginning of the study, in 1 and 2 weeks frequency of side effects and symptoms of DES were assessed by the DES questionnaire (OSDI).
The application of «ОхуаЬ led to significant improvement ofthe DES symptoms (p = 0.016, 95 % reliable interval is from 11.3 to -1.2) and was well tolerated by the patients (difference in side effects frequency was non-significant compared with placebo — p = 0.235).
Thus, 0.15 % solution of hyaluronic acid («Oxyal») is safe and effective preparation for treatment of severe DES in patents with consequence of eye burns in whom ocular and eyelid surface are covered with oral mucous grafts.
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