Oftalmol Zh.2011;4:34-39.

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Kopayenko A. I., Zhaboedov G. D., Ivanova N. V.

Simferopol, Kiev, Ukraine

46 patients with unilateral HLA-B27 with associated anterior uveitis (AU) were included in this study. All patients were examined by traditional laboratory, ophthalmologic examinations and by optical coherent tomography (OCT). The data obtained shows that 83 % of eyes with AU had retinal thickening at least in one of OCT subfields. There was positive correlation (r=0.58) between the level of the anterior chamber inflammation and macular thickness and negative correlation (r=-0.62) between visual acuity and macular thickness in the patients with AU. Retinal thickness, as determined by OCT, is a useful clinical parameter for evaluation of the patients with AU and their response to treatment.


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