Oftalmol Zh.2012;4:40-43.
Umanets N.N., Brazhnikova E.G., Zavodnaya V. S. Odessa, Ukraine
Results of treatment of18 patients (18 eyes) with idiopathic and traumatic rupture of the retina of large-diameter (400 |rm and above) were evaluated. Closure of the retinal breaks after vitrectomy with excision of the posterior hyaloid membrane and internal limiting membrane with a diameter 1 / 3 — 2 / 3 the distance between the macular hole and optic disc followed by a prolonged gas tamponade was achieved in 83.3% and after additional gas tamponade of macular hole by 20 % concentration of perfluoropropane — in 94,4%. According to preliminary data when choosing a tamponade agent in surgery of macular retinal holes of large diameter are preferable to use perfluoropropane.
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