Oftalmol Zh.2011;6:20-27.

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Maltsev E. V., Zborovskaya A. V., Dorokhova A. E.

Odessa, Ukraine

The rabbits with diabetes mellitus modeled by Dithizone at the dose of 35 mg/kg, developed the signs of diabetic retinopathy. The histological signs of the retinal damage are absent after 6—7 hours (phase of hypoglycaemia) and 33—36 hours (beginning of the phase of second stable hyperglycemia) after the introduction of Dithizone, but they are already clearly expressed in 16—17 weeks against the background of developed diabetes. There is observed the destruction of the layers of photoreceptors and pigment epithelium, the neurons of the outer and inner nuclear layers because of the focal absence of the outer reticulated layer get mixed, and their substantial part perishes as well as some ganglionic cells. The signs of atrophy besides the retina are also determined in the vascular membrane. This model of diabetic retinopathy reflects well its nature as neurodegenerative disease.



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