Oftalmol Zh.2012;4:100-104.

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Krasnovid T. A., Vit V. V., Aslanova V. S., Kovalchuk A. G.

Odessa, Ukraine

There were described the four cases of penetration of the eyelashes (in one of them simultaneously 5) inside the eye observed by the authors with its penetrating injury. The peculiarities of the eye reaction to the penetration of eyelashes are noted in each of them. There was shown the diagnostic value of the ultrasonic study in detection of the eyelashes, inaccessible to visualization by biomicroscopy. Morphological studies of the removed cyst of the iris, which formed in one of the patients, give grounds to consider it due to implantation. A brief literary survey is given concerning a question of the eyelash penetration inside the eye and its possible reaction.


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19.Popov, 1941. — niiT. Duke-Elder, System of Ophthalmology 1972, vol. XIV.

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