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Melnik V. O.

Kiev, Ukraine

There was made a study of efficacy and safety of applying a combination of viscoelastic Giaral and Giaral-plus (LC «Farmak») in performing posterior capsulorrhexis in cataract phacoemulsification in patients with fibrous central opacities of the posterior lens capsule.

A technique intended to fill the capsular sac with less cohesive viscoelastic Giaral with a mass of10 mg/ml, tear of the posterior lens capsule, crushing of the anterior hyaline membrane with more cohesive viscoelastic Giaral-plus with a mass of 15 mg/ml and then direct performing of the posterior capsulorrhexis.

This technique allowed to avoid injury of the anterior hyaline membrane, implant IOL into the capsular sac easily and obtain maximal visual functions.



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