Oftalmol Zh.2013;3:61-65
Immune response to experimental Staphylococcal aureus endophthalmos with the application of antibacterial photodynamic therapy with methylene blue
O. V. Zborovska, N. B. Kuryltsiv
The Filatov Institute of Eye diseases and Tissue Therapy of National Medical Sciences Academy, Odessa
Key words: endophthalmitis, experiment, antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, methylene blue, immunological response
In work results of studying influence of antidacterial photodynamic therapy with 0,1 % methylene blue on the immune response are presented at experimental Staphylococcus aureus endophthalmitis. In the experimental study two groups of rabbits are presented: the control — without using any treatment, the experimental — using of the presented technique. During experiment the following results are received: in control group of animals the intraocular inflammation had fast progressing character with the hyper active immune response that led not only to loss of visual functions, and eye loss as the organ. In the experimental group as a result of antibacterial photodynamic therapy with 0.1 % methylene blue there was a sanitation of the eye that led to full reduction of intraocular inflammation and normalization of data of immune response.