Oftalmol Zh.2013;4:5-9
Microbiological characterization of bacterial keratitis in patients of Clinic of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during 2010-2012 years
A. V. Zborovskaya, M. O. Chornobay
SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine», Odessa, Ukraine
e-mail: z_mariya@hotmail.com
Purpose. To establish the diagnostic significance of dabs from the conjunctiva and their correlation with the acid-base status of conjunctiva environment in patients with bacterial keratitis with different etiology.
Materials and methods. 92 patients were monitored in Central Clinic of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine from 2010 to 2012. The age of patience was equal or more then 20. The total of 122 eyes was monitored for primary bacterial keratitis. The following procedures were performed: ophthalmic examination, microscopy of dabs from the conjunctiva, the results of seeding bacteriological examination from the conjunctiva on dense nutrient medium, acid-base balance of tears was determined.
Results. Base group results of bacteriologicalsowingfrom the conjunctiva environment on dense nutrient mediums found microorganism in 69.7% of eyes, including 49.2 % of eyes Gram-positive and acid-base balance of conjunctiva environment eans to the alkaline side and 20.5 % of eyes Gram-negative and acid-base balance of conjunctiva environment leans to the acid side. In 30.3 % of eyes the results revealed no microorganisms. In the control group showed Gram-positive flora in 4.7 % of eyes, in 95.3 % the result is not found. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common bacterial organism from all allocated 41.2 %. Most Gram-negative bacteria was Enterobacter cloacae 23,5 %.
Conclusions: Dabs from the conjunctiva are not sufficiently informative in bacterial keratitis. Acid-base balance of conjunctiva environment in Gram-positive flora leans to the alkaline side. Acid-base balance in Gram-negative flora in con junctiva environment leans to the acid side.
Key words: keratit, bacteriological examination, acid-base balance
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