Oftalmol Zh.2013;4:56-60


The effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on the course of experimental contusion injury of the cornea

E. Barinov, K. Golubov, O. Sulaeva

Donetsk National Medical University named after M. Gorky, Donetsk, Ukraine

e-mail: glbv1@rambler.ru

Key words: eye contusion, experimental trauma, neoton

An experimental study was conducted on 25 rabbits (50 eyes) who modeled the standard monocular direct contusion of the eyeball. The results of the morphologi-cal study of the cornea allowed to specify the pathologic changes in the structures of the cornea within 14 days after the injury. Demonstrated that administration of exogenous phosphocreatine (neoton) early after contusion reduces damage to the epithelium and endothelium of the cornea, and limits the swelling and degenerative processes in the corneal stroma, probably due to the reduction of the energy balance in the cells of the eye structure.


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