Oftalmol Zh.2013;4:24-29


Expression P53, BCL-2, CD95 and IPO-38 SN malsgnant epstelsal tumors of the eyelid skin with an aggressive course

V. V. Vit, I. A. Safronenkova

SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine»

e-mail: safronenkova@ukr.net

Introduction. Malignant epithelial tumors (Theo) of the eyelid skin have a broad spectrum of biological behavior — from existing for years and decades of stationary non-invasive forms of progressing to aggressive options with deep local destru-irujushchego growth. It is known that a significant role in neoplastic cell transformation and progression of malignant neoplasms belongs inactivation of regulatory proteins controlling cell proliferation and apoptosis. Therefore, it is important to study the proliferative and pro-and anti-apoptotic activity in aggressive forms Theo eyelid skin.

Purpose — the study of immunohistochemicalproliferative indices (IPO38), pro-and anti-apoptotic activity (CD95, Bcl-2 andp53) Theo eyelid skin with an ag-gressive course.

Material and methods. Immunohistochemical studies were carried out using monoclonal antibody Bcl-2, p53 and CD95 IPO38 biopsies and tumor tissue after orbital exenteration 9patients with Theo eyelid skin (4 males and 5 females) aged34 to 75 years (median 60.6) treated with combination therapy (radiotherapy + cryoablation) in SI «Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. Filatov NAMS of Ukraine «in 2000—2008years.

Results. Found that for Theo eyelid skin with an aggressive course characterized by hyperoverexpression ofp53 (85,6±7,3) % and IPO38 (95,0±13,2) %, hypoek-spression Bcl-2 (10,0±3,6) % and the lack of expression of CD95. This indicates a high proliferative potential and reduced apoptotic activity of the tumor. Conclusion. Determine the value of molecular markers associated with proliferative and apoptotic activity Theo eyelid skin. Increased expression of proliferative markers p53 and IPO38, reducing the antiapoptotic marker Bcl-2 and the lack of expression of the marker CD95 inducer of apoptosis characterize the biological aggressiveness of tumors

Key words: malignant epithelial tu¬mors of the eyelid skin, markers p53, Bcl-2, CD95, IPO38


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