Oftalmol Zh. 2013;6:62-67.


Improvement of ablation enucleation of the eyeball in retinoblastoma

Pasechnikova NV, Bobrowa NF, Naumenko VA, Sorochinskaya TA, Levitsky IM

SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine, Odessa

Introduction. Retinoblastoma (RB) are more often diagnosed (77—91 %) in the advanced T3-T4 stages. That's why enucleation (tumor removal within the eye- ball) is the only way to save child's life with advanced RB.

Purpose. To develop and implement enucleation method of advanced RB, allowing to improve ablastic of surgery.

Material and methods. The authors have developed enucleation method advanced RB using high-frequency electric welding for optic nerve cutting. 21 primary enucleation in 21 patients at age 3 mo/o to 6 y/o with RB T3—4b stages were performed. Long-term results (6—49months) were evaluated in 10children (10eyes). 

Results and discussion. No bleeding or tissue edemas were noted during surgery. This allowed to avoid tamponade of orbit, reduce duration of surgery, visualize the orbital part of the optic nerve and additionally resect its fragment by electric welding, which increased the probability of tumor removing within healthy tissues. In follow-up continued tumor growth, orbit and distant metastases were not found in any cases. 

Conclusions. Developed method of enucleation for eyes with advanced RB using high-frequency electric welding allowed to achieve improving of surgery ablastic. This prevents the development of orbital tumor relapse, continued growth in the brain and hematogenous metastasis.

Key words: retinoblastoma, enucleation, ablastic of surgery


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