Oftalmol Zh. 2013;6:91-3.
The treatment of the submacular hemorrhage and macular hole in the same eye
Aslanova VS, Krasnovid TA
SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy NAMS of Ukraine», Odessa
Purpose. To show efficiency minimal invasive surgery in the submacular hemorrhage and macular hole in the same eye.
Material and methods. The treatment was undertaken in the 2patients. For the treatment was employmen tintravitreal introduction 0.6 ml C3F8 Results. In the both cases we observed closing of the macular hole and displacement of submacular hemorrhage.
Conclusion. Advantages of this method: miniinvasion, prevents complication associated with PPV.
Key-words: submacular hemorrhage, macular hole, treatment
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