Oftalmol Zh.2014;5:40-44


Changes of the optic density of the macular pigment after two courses of low-energy light therapy in patients with dry form of age-related macular degeneration

Sergienko A. M., Dzuba N. O., Pekarik O. S.

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P. L. Shupik; Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 9 Kiev (Ukraine)

Introduction. The level of the xanthophylls protection of retina depends on macular pigment optical density (MPOD).

Purpose. The main purpose of the study was to search MPOD changes for the patients with the dry form of AMD after two courses of low energy light therapy.

Material and Methods. The main group consisted of 90patients (152 eyes). Two courses of low energy light therapy had been applied with 6-months interval. The patients from the first control group (75patients, 136 eyes) had been treated un­der the standard protocol in hospital during the same schedule. The second control group consisted of 20 patients (36 eyes). The second control group had not been treated at all only observation had been applied during 1.3 and 6 months. The value of MPOD was measured by means of heterochromatic flicker photometry method. Results and Discussion. In 6 months after the first course of the treatment the value of MPOD in the main group was 0.075 units higher in comparison with the MPOD value for the first control group and 0.079 units higher in comparison with the same parameter for the second control group. In a 6 months after the second course of the treatment the MPOD value was 0.149 units (p<0.05) higher in com­parison with the MPOD values for the first control group.

Conclusion. The statistically significant increasing of the macular pigment density was identified as a result of two courses of low energy light therapy for the patients with the dry form of AMD. The maximal values of the MPOD were identified in one month after the first and second courses of low energy light therapy. At the same time the patients from the control groups demonstrated the decreasing of this value.

Key words: age-related macular degeneration, optic density of the macular pigment, low-energy light therapy


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