Oftalmol Zh.2014;1;24-27


Duration of mono- and binocular structured consequent images as an indicator of retinal correspondence characte

Kolomiets N. V., Kolomiets V. A.

State Institution The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine; Odessa, (Ukraine)

Key words: afterimages, binocular vision, normal retinal correspondence, abnormal retinal correspondence.

Introduction. The complexity of the diagnostic binocular vision nature is that the test merger in color test may be in patients with both normal and abnormal retinal correspondence.

Purpose. To study the duration of the monocular and binocular afterimages in patients with normal and abnormal retinal correspondence to clarify the nature of correspondence of the retina.

Material and methods. The afterimages were caused in patients with normal and abnormal correspondence on one and both eyes by means of tests with a homogeneous field and the black-and-white «chess» patterns.

Results. It was proved that the binocular structured stimuli caused a prolonged aftereffect on binocular system in patients with normal retinal correspondence compared to the duration of monocular afterimages and significantly shorter in patients with abnormal correspondence.


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