

Role of the complex enzyme immunoassay testing in diagnosing uveitis in the presence of herpetic infection

S.R. Medjidova, Candidate of Medical Science

Acad. Z. Alieva National Center of Ophthalmology, Baku, Azerbaijan

E-mail: sabmed@rambler.ru; sabinamedjidova@gmail.com 

Background: In recurrent uveitis, establishing whether any herpetic infection has played an etiological or triggering role in the disease is important for selecting the appropriate treatment.

Purpose: To assess the results of complex enzyme immunoassay testing (CEIAT) performed for patients with both uveitis and herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in the process of treatment.

Materials and Methods: In 73 uveitis patients, the CEIAT was used to determine serum levels of anti?HSV-IgМ and anti?HSV-IgG antibodies (Ab) to herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 (HSV1&2), IgG class Ab to nonstructural early viral antigens of HSV1&2, and the avidity of specific IgG Ab to HSV1&2.

Results: The most common etiology of uveitis was herpetic infection (25.7%). In 74.3% of cases, HSV played a triggering role. The following three types of specific immunity were registered: (1) significantly (р<0.01) increased levels of anti-HSV IgM and anti?HSV-IgG Ab and IgG class Ab to nonstructural early viral antigens, with the avidity index (AI) values exceeding 50% (27 patients), (2) the most increased (р<0.001) levels of anti?HSV-IgG Ab and IgG class Ab to nonstructural early viral antigens, with the AI values exceeding 50% (35 patients), and (3) only the level of IgG class Ab to nonstructural early viral antigens is slightly increased (р<0.05)with high AI values (12 patients). The third type of immune response was as a manifestation of the immune tolerance of the human body, with the most clinically severe course of the inflammatory process.  

Conclusion: In uveitis in the presence of HSV infection, the results of the CEIAT provide the practitioner an opportunity to investigate the activity of inflammatory process and define a pathogenetically sound scheme to correct the alterations revealed.

Keywords: uveitides, herpes simplex virus, complex enzyme immunoassay testing. 


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