

Assessing the efficacy of surgical treatment for age-related cataract through risk factor analysis

I.M. Bezkorovaina, Dr Sc (Med), Prof., I.S. Steblovska, Post-Grad Student

Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy; Poltava (Ukraine)

E-mail: irunasteblovska@gmail.com             

TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Bezkorovaina IM, Steblovska IS. Assessing the efficacy of surgical treatment for age-related cataract through risk factor analysis. J.ophthalmol.(Ukraine).2018;1:3-6. http://doi.org/10.31288/oftalmolzh2018136


Background: Although conventional phaco and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery are widely used treatment options, patients undergoing these approaches often experience peri- and post-operative complications that worsen functional outcomes. Cystic macular edema is one of these complications and occurs in 1-28% of patients.

Purpose: To assess the efficacy of surgical treatment for age-related cataract through risk factor analysis using logistic regression models.

Materials and Methods: Eighty-three eyes of 83 patients with age-related cataract (lens nuclei of grades 1 to 3, Buratto classification scheme) participated in the study. Aqueous humor samples were collected during phacoemulsification procedures and investigated for the presence of prostanoids, thromboxane B2 and prostacyclin 6-keto-PGF1α. A negative outcome of surgical treatment for cataract was defined as development of macular edema; any other outcome was considered positive.

Results: 6-keto-PGF1α/ thromboxane B2 ratio can be used as a marker of the risk for developing macular edema 1 year after phacoemulsification for age-related cataract.

Key-words: logistic regression models, age-related cataract, macular edema    



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