Pre-submission checklist
Before submitting your manuscrit, ensure that all the components of the submission have been included using a pre-submission checklist
Pre-submission checklist. Ensure that all the components of the submission have been included using a pre-submission checklist.
1. Cover Letter
2. The Authorship Responsibility Form
3. Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form
4. A copy of the manuscript (a Microsoft Word file) including:
1) Title page including:
a. Article title
b. Author information
c. Corresponding author
d. Author contribution
e. Acknowledgments
f. Disclaimers
g. Source(s) of support
h. Disclosure of relationships and activities
i. Abbreviations
j. Number of figures and tables
2) Abstract, limited to 200 words, with keywords
3) Text of the manuscript formatted according to the instructions
4) References
5) Legends for illustrations
6) Tables (Tables can be placed in the text either)
7) Figures (properly formatted and labeled according to the instructions)