Problems of clinical ophthalmology
Pasechnikova N. V., Naumenko V. A., Korol A. R., Zadorozhnyy O. S. Dynamics of the morphometric indices of the subretinal neovascular membranes of the classical type after photodynamic therapy
Tyazhkaya N. P., Savko V. V. Role of the long-wave fundusgraphy with transscleral radiography in complex examination of patients with dry form of age-related maculodystrophy
Sidorova M. V. Efficacy of the treatment of age-related macular degeneration using the drug Visiomax
Bezdentko P. A., Martynenko A. B. Mathematical prognosis of changes in the eye fundus using the rate of ultrasound transmission in the vitreous body in patients with diabetes with opaque ocular medium
Oleinik T. V. Diabetic retinopathy progression in the patients with diabetes mellitus of II type after cataract surgery
Sergienko N. M., Kosuba S. I. Estimation of the traumatic condition of the method of mechanical phacoemulsification
Zhaboedov G. D., Petrenko O. V. Ocular traumas with champagne corcs
Kapechuk V. V., Savko V. V., Kluev G. O., Naritsina N. I., Konovalova N. V., Mikhailichenko L. A. Intensive therapy of acute vascular opticoneuropathy
Moyseenko N. M. Neuroimaging aspects of the optic tract injuries in concussion and contusion of the brain in the acute period
Saldan I. R., Zheleledin Saffar Mohammed, Stechenko L. A., Kuftyreva T. P. Ultrastructural changes of the iris of patients with exfoliative glaucoma according to electronic microscopy
Petrunya A. M., Zadorozhnaya A. I. Effectiveness of the ocular drops Lipoflavon in the treatment of patients with primary open angle glaucoma
Konovalova N. V. Antibacterial therapy in the treatment of multiresistant forms of eye tuberculosis
Polyakova S. I. Immunocorrection by medicine «Amiksin» at patients with epithelial tumors of the lacrimal gland
Experimental studies
Maltsev E. V., Usov V. Ya. Morphology of the corneal membrane after the effect on the eye of near and median IR-ranges
Sami Al-Saidi, Sukhina J. V. Enzymatic antioxidant status in the eye tissnes in experimental simulation cataract
Literature review
Yakimenko S. A., Kostenko P. O. Modern methods of surgical treatment of refractive glaucomas and secondary afterburn glaucoma
Artemov A. V. Age changes of the corneal endothelium as reflection of universal mechanism of aging
Maltsev E. V. Is a cell immortal?
Savko V. V., Narytsyna N. J., Chechin P. P. et al. Syndrome Grendlad-Strandber: clinic, diagnostic and treatment
Exchange of experience
Kudinova-Savchenko N. A., Vesnina N. A., Misyura Yu.V. et al. Possibility of the qualitative sight after implantation IOL AcrySof ReSTOR, problems of utilization
Surgical technique
Sergienko N. M.,Kondratenko Yu. N., Yakimov A. K. The method of capsular bag fixation in case of lens dislocation
Kondratenko Yu. N., Novitskiy A. N., Khomenko T. V. A way of corneal division in implantation of topic intraocular lens during cataract phacoemulsification
History of ophthalmology
Maltsev E. M. That in that in the ophthalmology in the last thirty ears or about ofworks to quotes often in the world literature (analysis and comments)
«Anaesthesy in ophthalmology»: Test-book (ed. H. P. Tahchidi et al.), Moscow, 2007, p. 552, ill.).