Oftalmol Zh.2010;6:66-70.
Usov V. Ya., Tarik Abou Tarboush
Odessa, Ukraine
There were studied important problems of ophthalmology — a possibility to increase efficacy of cataract treatment.
Modeling of light cataract in 25 rabbits was accomplished for this purpose, in which ulcerous keratitis was induced in the right eye to solve the problem of the influence of the inflammatory process in the cornea on development of changes in the lens.
It is established that development of light cataract in the eyes with keratitis occurs in earlier period than in the eyes without any inflammatory process in the cornea. It is the ground to assume that presence of keratitis symptoms may be considered as a factor that enhances the process of the age-related cataract development and should be taken into consideration in its treatment.
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