Oftalmol Zh.2011;3:73-78.
K. P. Pavlyuchenko, S. Yu. Mogilevskyy, A. L. Chuyko
Donetsk, Ukraine
The paper presents results of studying the condition of enzymatic antioxidant system in the retina in experimental streptozotocin diabetes and application of various forms of vitamin B6 (vitamers — piridoxamin, piridoxal and piridoxin and cofermental forms — piridoxal phosphate). The studies were made on white rats of Vistar line. It was established that in experimental diabetes activity of enzymes of the antioxidant system in the retina is lowered. The application of various forms of vitamin B6 prevents inhibition of enzymes of the antioxidant system. The most expressed action was on glutathione peroxidase and superoxidedismutase while using piridoxal phosphate and piridoxamin.
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