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Received: 03 December 2020; Published on-line: 19 April 2021

COVID-19-associated cavernous sinus thrombosis: a case report   

O. I. Oripov, E. N. Bilalov 

Tashkent Medical Academy; Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

E-mail: okil.oripov@mail.ru

TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Oripov OI, Bilalov EN. COVID-19-associated cavernous sinus thrombosis: a case report. J.ophthalmol.(Ukraine).2021;2:69-71.  http://doi.org/10.31288/oftalmolzh202126971  

This paper describes a case of cavernous sinus thrombosis. The condition developed in a patient who had been treated for confirmed COVID-19. Left eye examination findings were as follows: amaurosis; absence of periorbital skin sensation;  signs of orbital cellulitis; ptosis; chemosis; total ophthalmoplegia; exophthalmos; decreased corneal sensation; widened pupil; and absence of pupil light reflex. In addition, ophthalmoscopy showed diffused retinal and optic disc edema. The patient had an atypical clinical course which could not be clearly identified as septic or aseptic, and his elevated D-dimer level could indicate a potential relationship between this condition and COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19; ocular symptoms of COVID-19; COVID-19-associated coagulopathy; cavernous sinus thrombosis



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The authors declare no conflict of interest which could influence their opinions on the subject or the materials presented in the manuscript.