Oftalmol Zh.2009;5:10-14.
P. Bezdetko, E. Iiyina, M. Lisenko
There were operated 11 patients with recurrent herpetic keratitis, accompanied by the syndrome of limbic insufficiency. There was taken a section of the limb with the epithelial cells from the healthy eye in the period between recurrences, with its subsequent implantation in the pocket, formed on the sick eye in the limb region in the meridian of the corneal defect. This allowed to avoid further development of conjunctivization of the cornea, to reach the restoration of the cornea integrity and to reduce the frequency of relapses. An improvement in the following indices in the group of the operated patients in comparison with the control group, which obtained only conservative therapy, is reliable: the period of disappearance of pericorneal injection, the period of the cornea epithelization, the degree of neovascularization, the intensity of keratoleukoma and visual acuity.
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