Oftalmol Zh.2009;6:25-29.
Polyakova S. I.
Odessa, Ukraine
The estimation of the level SA-19-9 and REA in the peripheral blood of 33 patients with LGTEG was carried out, the middle age was (46.8 ± 16.6), 14 men and 19 women. Dynamics of the level SA-19-9 and REA in 3 and 6 months after treatment was followed up in 32 patients. The period of follow up of the patients was from 6 months to 8 years.
Relapses of LGTEG developed in 9 patients in 6 months — 5 years after the treatment, including patients with malignant (cancer in the pleomorphic adenoma, adenocarcinoma and adenocystic carcinoma) and benign (pleo-morphic adenoma, mixoma, onocytoma) LGTEG.
In developed relapse of the tumor there was established a reliable increase in the contents of oncomarker SA-19- 9in the blood serum before the treatment and its increase in the dynamics of follow-up (r = 0.0002).
The level of oncomarker REA in the blood serum of patients with LGTEG with developed relapse of the tumor before the treatment does not exceed standard but it also grows in the dynamics of follow-up (r = 0.006).
Increase in the level of oncomarkers REA and SA-19-9 in the blood serum of the patients with LGTEG in the dynamics of follow-up is expressed by the predominance of the positive test (+/+) in simultaneous estimation of both markers, and can be the prognostic index of the possible development of the tumor relapse suitable for monitoring of the treatment effectiveness.
The patients with values of REF and SA-19-9 higher than standard in the dynamics of follow-up can be considered as a risk group of possible tumor relapse and require a constant clinical follow-up.
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