Oftalmol Zh.2010;2:73-79.
Pasyechnikova N. V., Zavgorodnyaya N. G.
Odessa, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
Historical facts and modern views on the problem of determination and classification of primary glaucoma including controversial questions are presented. Along with the present common notions of the disease pathogenesis the authors present their own idea, which explains participation of the vascular factors in hydrodynamic disorders and progress of glaucoma atrophy of the optic nerve. In general the main idea of the authors is that excavation of the optic nerve in glaucoma is one of the symptoms of the disease, but not a morphological substratum of the optic nerve atrophy in glaucoma. Progress of the disease and its clinical presentations does not depend on the anterior chamber angle but depends on the hemodynamic background, which in its turn, depends on the cerebral hemodynamic changes and autoregulation mechanisms of the cerebral circulation. The facts, which must be included in the diagnosis of the disease to show the state of the glaucoma eye clearly are presented separately.
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