Oftalmol Zh.2010;3:19-24.



S. A. Yakymenko, O. I. Buznyk

Purpose: To analyze results of amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) in treatment of corneal ulceration after severe chemical and thermal injuries.

Methods: Analysis of 55 AMT in 53 patients (53 eyes) with corneal ulceration and limbal deficiency 180—360° of the limbus after grades 4AB (S. A. Iakymenko classification, 2001) chemical and thermal injuries was performed. Mean follow-up period was 8,8±10,1 months (range 1,5—46 months).

Results: Further corneal ulceration was prevented in 54/55 cases (98,1%), cornea epithelialised after 42/55 AMT (76,3%). Mean terms of corneal epithelialisation were 24,2±26,7 days after AMT (range 6—123 days). Corneal defect recurred in 3/42 successful cases (7,1%). Limbal deficiency of different extent developed in all successful patients. VA was >0,01 (range 0,01—1,0) in 23/42 patients (54,8%) with corneal epithelialisation. VA at the last visit was improved on 2 and more lines on the eye chart compared to preoperative VA in 15/42 patients with corneal epithelialisation (35,7%), did not change in 18/42 successful patients (42,9%), decreased on one line in 9/42 of these patients (26,2%). Symblepharon developed in 23/42 successful patients (54,7%).

Conclusions: AMT may stop ulceration and promote corneal epithelialisation in majority of patients with the most severe chemical or thermal eye injuries in case of timely application of the operation and adequate fixation of the AM graft.



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