Oftalmol Zh. 2013;6:5-11.


Peculiarities of the condition of the vegetative nervous system and its influence on the eye regional hemodynamics in patients with various character of recurrent herpetic keratitis course

Khramenko NI, Ponomarchuk VS, Gajdamaka TB, Drozhzhina GI

SI «The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of NAMS of Ukraine» 

Odessa, Ukraine

Introduction. The study of the factors contributing to formation of clinical peculiarities of ophthalmoherpes course, peculiarities of the neuroimmune response and dependences of the course severity of infection of a herpes virus on the condition of the neuroimmune status of patients will allow to specify pathogenetic mechanisms of failure of the organism control of the virus, formations of peculiarities of the disease clinical course and to develop a complex of the differentiated preventive and therapeutic measures.

The purpose of the investigation. To study peculiarities of the condition of the organism vegetative nervous system and its influence on eye regional hemodynamics in patients with various character of recurrent herpetic keratitis course. 

Material and methods. 77 patients with herpetic keratitis (HK) of different forms during remission or relapse were examined. By the amount of aggravations per year the process was characterized as rarely or often recurrent (more than once in a year). The age of patients ranged from 25 to 48 years old, everybody was somatically healthy. Besides standard ophthalmologic examinations the patients were made rheoophthalmography with the use of the index of volumetric pulse blood filling of the eye RQ (%o) as well as variability of the heart rhythm (VHR), computer system of data processing was studied with the purpose to estimate the condition of the vegetative regulation.

Results. There was revealed the interrelation between character of HK recurrence and strengthening of the sympathetic nervous system tone — in frequently recurrent process the influence of the sympathetic part of the vegetative nervous regulation increased by 27.2 % in comparison with rarely recurrent process. There was revealed direct interrelation of the influence of the vasomotor center on the condition of volumetric eye blood filling, which increases by 23 % in high activity of the vasomotor center in comparison with its low activity. In frequently recurrent HK in comparison with rarely recurrent HK the influence of the system of humoral regulation decreases by 22 % and the system of sympathetic regulation becomes more active — by 50 %. The index of the regulation tension (stress-index) characterizing adaptation abilities of VNS corresponds to the norm in rarely recurrent HK and in remission in frequently recurrent HK and in relapse of frequently recurrent HK. In recurrence of frequently recurrent Hk and keratouveitis the stress-index increases l/5~2 times. 

Conclusions. There were revealed peculiarities of the vegetative regulation and eye hemodynamics in different character of HK recurrence.

Key words: herpetic keratitis, relapse, eye hemohemodynamic, vegetative nervous system


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