Oftalmol Zh.2014;4:66-70
Probability of optic neuropathy in patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy at the early stages of the diseases
Awis Kayali
State Institution The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine, Odessa, (Ukraine)
Key words. optic neuropathy, endocrine ophthalmopathy, assessment of the state
Importance. Development of optic neuropathy (ON) is found in 3—30 % of patients with endocrine ophthalmopathy (EOP) and in 70 % of patients with decompensated EOP. The diagnosis of ON is made in the late stages of the diseases when there are signs of edema or atrophy and visual functions are lost. Early diagnosis of ON in patients with EOP can allow to prevent loss of the visual functions and disability of patients. Purpose. To study probability of ON development in patients with EOP at the early stage of the disease.
Material and methods. The investigation was made on the basis of retrospective analysis of 332 case histories of patients with EOP (664 eyes) who were treated at SI» Filatov's Institute of eye diseases and tissue therapy of NAMS of Ukraine» from 2002 to 2013.
The biometric analysis was made using statistic pack Statistica 9.0.
Results. There was made a complex assessment of different clinical symptoms by their portion in occurrence in patients with EOP with manifestations of ON and without it. There were revealed most significant symptoms for development of ON in EOP and according to the data of one-variant logistic regression there was made a quantitative assessment of the degree of association of the studied clinical symptoms in development of ON making calculation of Odds Ratio. Conclusions. The diagnosis of the signs revealed at the early stages of the diseases will allow to reduce the risk of loss of visual functions by timely medicamentous therapy.
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