Oftalmol Zh.2014;6:13-18
Possibilities of computer-tomographic study in prognosis of recurrence development of malignant epithelial tumors of the eyelid skin with growing into the anterior orbit part
Safronenkova I. A.
State Institution The Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the NAMS of Ukraine; Odessa, (Ukraine)
Key words: malignant epithelial tumors of the eyelid skin, lesions of the anterior section of orbit, computer tomography of the orbits, density of tumor tissue
Introduction. To clarify the distribution of tumor at common ZET eyelid skin is often necessary to use complex diagnostic measures, including computed tomography (CT). CTcan detect the presence of «plus-fabrics», its structure and form to assess the level of infestation and orbital tissues of the eyeball, the bone walls of the orbit, presence of foci of destruction or through defects swelling retrobulbarny fat or fibrosis. Always determined densitometric density tissues studied, determined in Hounsfield units (Units Hounsfield -UH). In literature, we found no reports of the use of CT data for predicting recurrence ZET eyelid skin with germination in the anterior section of orbit. Therefore, the study of CT parameters, including densitometric density of tumors to predict recurrence is important. This will help the ophthalmologist promptly detect recurrence, choose an adequate treatment strategy or the amount of surgery.
Purpose. The purpose of the study explore informative CT parameters for predicting relapse ZET eyelid skin with germination in the anterior section of orbit. Material and methods. Computer- tomography study of 114 patients conducted ZET eyelid skin with germination in the anterior section of orbit treated in oftalmoonkology center «The Filatov Institute of ED and TTof NAMS of Ukraine» for the period from 1998 to 2008 was carried out on the basis of CT Diagnostic Centers ISMA-Invest «on the scanner «Somatom CR»(«Siemens», Germany) and the Centre for beam diagnostics «YUZHUKRMEDTEH «on 4 slice spiral CT «Asteion Super-4» («Toshiba», Japan). All patients with tumors were stage T3a N0 M0 classification pTNM(AJCC, 7th ed., 2010).
Results. CT defined symptoms in patients with eyelid skin ZET germination in anterior section of orbit to influence the outcome of treatment (relapse). CT features that according to the analysis of a statistically significant result conjugation of treatment may be considered as risk factors. Statistically significant conjugation with recurrent tumor according to CT noted in tumor size of 10 mm (%2 = 5.1, p = 0.04), with infiltration of tissues and muscles of the eyeball (%2 = 4.9, p = 0,04; %2 = 5.2, p = 0.03), with the inhomogeneous structure of tumor tissue (%2 = 5.8, p = 0.04) and densitometric density difference (%2 = 6.1, p = 0.00).
Conclusion. The most significant risk factors for recurrence ZET eyelid skin germinated in the anterior section of orbit is tumor size of 10 mm. In this case, the chances of it rising to 15.7 times. The value of A UH tissue tumors > 35 UH is the limit and thus the sensitivity of the test is 85.1 %.
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